It’s tough producing content. I know – I do it for myself and my clients on a constant basis. But once it’s produced, you’ve got to get it in front of them.
What’s Working For You?
This post is all about you. I want to know: marketing-wise, what’s working for you? How are you getting the attention of prospects? What media are you using? Blogs, podcasts, video, articles, social media sites – what?
Video – Poll Your Customers
So how do you know how your business is doing? Well, you could measure a bunch of different things and come up with numbers. Compare numbers: this month’s sales this year versus this month’s sales last year and that sort of thing. That’s a financial way of of of measuring things and finding out how you doing.
I have another suggestion for you. Ask. Ask your current clients how you’re doing, what kinds of things they want. What kind of things about you and your business make them happy. What kinds of things would they want instead. Is it something you do? That you don’t do? Can you offer them another service? Can you offer them a recommendation to somebody else who does that type of service? You need to find out.
Make Connections By Being A Connection
In order to make friends, you need to be a friend. To make a business connection, you have to be one for the other person.