Why Profile Your Target Market?

When marketing your product or service, you want to identify the people who are most likely to buy your product or service.  Not all bald men buy toupees.  Not all thirsty women buy Diet Coke.  You want to find out what the qualities are about the individuals in your target market that make it more likely they’ll buy what you’re selling.

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A Good Grab

If you were sliding down the side of a mountain to your certain death, would you insist on grabbing hold only when the very best opportunity presented itself?

Hell no!  As long as you could make a good grab, one that would at least slow you down and give you better opportunities for better grabs, you’d do it.

I have clients who argue with me about this.  If you’re creating a product – a book, a DVD, a membership site – for the first, second or even 3rd time, you don’t need “perfect” or even “great.”  You should be happy with “good enough.”

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