Inverting The Sales Process

By becoming a RecEx, and producing Expert Proof Materials (EPM), our main aim is helping our clients to invert the typical sales process – or at least pave the sales path to make it smooth going.

What is the stereotypical sales process?  The first and most basic version is the lone salesman, out trudging the road and knocking on doors.  If Ms. Prospect has just a few minutes, we can introduce her to a product or service that will – ah, another door closed in our face.  We trudge to the next door and try again.

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Your Book As A Business Card

We have a number of clients who have published books, or put out instructional DVDs.  Some of them have had a hard time grasping the fact that these products are not, in and of themselves, a profit generator.  Rather, they are like keys that unlock doors to bigger and more lucrative sales.  They should be given away like business cards.

Yes, I understand that one book – or DVD or CD or any similar product – costs a lot more than a business card.  Even if you get the books or disks at wholesale.  Just as you shouldn’t walk down the street passing out business cards to all and sundry, you need to be selective in giving out your Proof of Expertise.

Forget about selling this item.  You need to selectively hand them out to individuals who can help you book speaking or training gigs.  This is where the money is going to come from.  Any incidental sales of this item are a bonus.

The product that is your Proof of Expertise is exactly that – proof that you have something to say, can present it in a socially viable medium, and are capable of carrying out a difficult procedure (the conception, completion, production and distribution of the Proof) from beginning to end.

Even in today’s market of self-published ebooks, where there’s little to no cost for creation, production or distribution, very few authors can make even a poor living off the sales of their products.  Selling 25,000 copies in a year and earning a profit of $2 per copy only nets you $50k, and that’s before taxes and expenses.  By selling a training session to a room full of attendees, you could earn that much in a weekend.

Once you have your Proof product, put your effort into using it as a key to unlock sales via personal presentations.