Book Publishing Schedule Set For 2015

I’ve been working on the layout for my next book, Profitable Web Hosting.  In addition, I’ve firmed up dates through the end of 2015 for books and ebooks that I’m working on.  I have a couple dates where I’m planning on publishing something, although I’m not yet sure what they’ll be.

Here’s the latest list with the dates:

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Write For The Walmart Crowd: 3 Tips

I’m working with a highly educated mental health professional.  Right now I’m editing the manuscript for her first nonfiction ebook.  She spends a lot of hours each week writing, so you’d think there wasn’t a lot to be changed.  How wrong you’d be!

So that we’re clear, there’s nothing wrong with her words, her grammar or her punctuation.  It’s just that normally her reports are meant for other professionals like herself, and members of the court, the schools systems, etc.  This book is targeted toward parents.  Most parents are, at best, casual readers.  50 Shades of Gray, sports stories in the paper, instructions on how to put together a bunk bed – you get the idea.  The verbiage, sentence structure and chapter length in this woman’s book is, frankly, far above the head of the casual reader.

If you, like my client, are writing a book for mass readership, there are three very important tips you need to keep in mind.

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Skip College

I’m not the only one saying it.  If you want to be an entrepreneur, skip college.  This link is about learning a trade instead (plus some other stuff), but the idea is the same.

I know a lot of great young people who are currently in college, or have graduated in the last few years.  Most of them – most folks I know, really – have the “dream” of going to work for someone else and getting paid a weekly wage.

But where would they work if no one wanted to start new businesses?  Do new things?  Take chances?

If you want to start a business or do your own thing, it’s highly doubtful you’ll learn even the fundamentals by sitting in a classroom.  Go out, try things, fall on your face, pick yourself up, and try again.

A Good Grab

If you were sliding down the side of a mountain to your certain death, would you insist on grabbing hold only when the very best opportunity presented itself?

Hell no!  As long as you could make a good grab, one that would at least slow you down and give you better opportunities for better grabs, you’d do it.

I have clients who argue with me about this.  If you’re creating a product – a book, a DVD, a membership site – for the first, second or even 3rd time, you don’t need “perfect” or even “great.”  You should be happy with “good enough.”

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