Video – The Cost Of Doing Business

In our last video we talked about measuring everything and determining the results of what you’ve done based on those measurements. In this particular video we’re going to talk about measuring something the cost of doing business.

Now in a noir film the cost of doing business might be paying off gangsters. That’s not what we’re talking about. But what I am talking about is measuring everything that goes into keeping your location open – keeping your business open – so that you can do business and find customers and produce a profit.

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Christmas In July 2016

santa_beard1This year, we put time and money into helping a non-profit.  This organization has three main aims:

First, they provide a martial arts program to impoverished children in a bad area of the city.  While they’re getting physically fit and learning to defend themselves, they’re also building character.  They develop self-discipline, self reliance, and becoming good citizens.

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Video – Measure Everything

So when you’re doing anything at all throughout your business (and again I’m talking mostly about marketing), what you want to do is measure anything and everything that can you can get your grubby little paws on.  What I mean, is whether it’s something that you’re doing to garner views on social media, or whether it’s money that you’re spending for advertising or for hiring somebody to do a job, you need to be able to measure these things.

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Web Conference Etiquette – 22 Rules

From engaging webinars to virtual meetings, video conferencing is a necessary tool that can set the stage for expanding your audience, pitching ideas, and help you achieve your business goals. As more and more businesses and individuals are taking advantage of using video conferencing to boost their business, many are still making major mistakes. This often results in frustration, wasted time and in many cases, losing your target audience.

Video conferencing also comes with its own share of rules of proper etiquette.  Here are 22 Rules of Video Conference Etiquette That Everyone Should Follow.

Video – A Bad Process Is Better Than No Process

So when you’re getting ready to go, you need a system or process.  And let me tell you a bad system or process is better than no process at all.  What I mean is, you can always change things and move things in the direction that you want to go.  But you can’t do that until you get going.  You get going by using a process or system and it doesn’t matter.  I’m specifically talking about marketing but it could be for anything. 

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