So You Don’t Have To

The beginning of that sentence is, “I do stupid things.”  Well, silly anyway.

Amazon has this system where you can run a “giveaway.”  I wanted to try it out.  Now, the silly part isn’t what happened – I gained 132 followers to my twitter (@AhZhillAy) account.  Nor the fact that I set the system to give an ebook to every 12th person.

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Use Holidays To Schedule Promotions

calendar-cartoon-train-kids-white-background-48000267A few days ago, I saw a post on social media that people were celebrating National Smile Day.  What amazes me is that it was from an author I’m connected with, and she was only mentioning it in passing.  Business people are missing out!  Nearly every day of the year has some celebration attached to it.  Pick a few, and ride their coat tails to a profitable promotion.

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