As a business owner, before you begin any kind of marketing, what you need to do is find out where you are now. And by that, I mean completely. You need to know exactly how much you're bringing in; how much your expenses are you also need to know not only financially. But you also need to understand what it is you're already doing as far as marketing and sales goes. What are your procedures? What are you numbers as far as your reach to potential clients; your reach with existing clients? What you have to do is measure everything that you're already doing. The reason for that room we'll go over my next video. The reason for that is the need to understand where you are now, to figure out where it is that you want to go in the future.

Video – Baseline

Baseline from Scott Gardner on Vimeo.

Before you begin any marketing campaigns, you need to establish a baseline. You need to know where you are now, and what you’re doing.

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