Amazon has gone live with the print version of Profitable Web Hosting. Check it out here. It’s already discounted 10% – how cool is that?
Cocktail Napkin Business Plans
All small businesses need a business plan. Most don’t need Profit & Loss statements and multi-stage expansion projections, especially when starting out. You just need something that will fit on the back of a cocktail napkin, and explains briefly what your business does, who your intended customers are, and how you propose to reach them. Plus, as a “scorecard” of sorts, you should look at your current income, and set a goal for the next year. Below is a sample (and simple) outline.
I attended the March To A Bestseller 2 event held on Friday on Facebook. What a mind blowing experience! It was put on by the two gents who run the Sell More Books Show podcast, Jim and Bryan. I’ve been dipping my toes into the indie author world, but this was like swimming in the Caribbean! It was warm, inviting, and I felt welcomed and relaxed.
Target And Reuse Your Content
I have clients in several industries. I know – I should concentrate on just one. But I just can’t. It’s a personality flaw.
That said, I create documents and books for my clients, or clients I want to attract. I do that across industries. If I had to write content for each industry, I’d never get any other work done.
I have a rule I use with the karate students I teach. “Mr. Gardner’s first rule of karate: cheat whenever possible.” By this, I mean use the things and people that are around you to get yourself right. The same thing goes for content. If you create it once, modify it and use it again.
Pre-order ProfWebHost Ebook Now
Pre-orders for the ebook are now being accepted! Visit this link to reserve your copy at 25% off!