There are a lot of things that you could spend money on to try to influence your brand, but the best thing you can spend money on is your clients. Don't have to you know take them all out for a big fancy dinner, that's not what I'm talking about. Although if you got the money, it couldn't hurt. What I'm talking about is actually listening to them and making them feel like you're interested in what they're doing. Maybe giving back to them. Maybe you giving them some movie tickets that they didn't ask for. I have a client that buys a stack of subway gift cards and Dunkin Donuts gift cards at five dollars apiece. He might spend fifty dollars buying five or ten and just randomly hands them out to clients who don't necessarily have a problem, but aren't necessarily running around singing his praises either. He just wants to make sure that when they use his service, they're having a good time and they're thinking good thoughts about it, and that they'll be more likely to pass along those thoughts to other people who haven't used the service. When he makes them feel like they're noticed, he makes them feel like they're valued. This is what I'm talking about when I say invest in your customers; investing in your perfect customer. So let me know below the kinds of things that you've done to invest in your customer.

Video – Brand Investment

Brand Investment from Scott Gardner on Vimeo.

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