Planning Ahead Is Cash In Hand

For years, I thought I was one of only a few people who didn’t own and use a planner. For over 20 years, my wife would buy me various planner systems, and I barely even looked at them. I was surrounded by people who used planners, spent money on planning seminars, took physical and online courses on what to plan, how to plan, and how to set and accomplish goals. I believed I was a lone holdout.

After my “conversion” (a story too long and sordid to get into here), I began to realize that The Planner People were not a solid majority. Many, many people didn’t use a planner, set goals, or even keep track of future appointments. Yet again today, I was reminded that there are plenty of folks who keep shooting themselves in the foot because they don’t keep track of appointments. I showed up at a new business to HAND OVER CASH, after setting an appointment with the owner 2 weeks ago. The place was closed, his phone went to voice mail, and he didn’t answer a message I sent him.

If you have children, grandchildren, or interact with students, getting them exposed to planning and goal setting at a young age will truly help them throughout their lives. If you can’t teach them, point them towards someone who can.

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