Can I ASK You A Question?

A lot of companies and marketers develop products and services the wrong way.  That is, they put together something they want, something they think a market would want, and then go out and try to find folks to pay for said product or service.

A better way is to survey your target market, ask what their biggest problem or concern is, and then develop a solution.  By doing it this way, they’re saying to you: “What I really want to pay a lot of money for is. . .”

I’ve had a license for a service called for quite a while now, but I’ve never gotten around to using it – until now.  Although the stated idea is to use these surveys to find new leads and add them to your list, I’ve sent an email to the list of one of my clients asking them, essentially, what they would pay to have my client develop for them.  The idea is to put together a short series of video clips – say, 3 to 5 clips total – of instruction and information.  Then, we’ll use those clips as a lead magnet to draw more people onto my client’s email list.

Next, I’ll put together a single-question survey for another client, but this time I’ll run a series of ads and try to draw in prospects for their organization.

And heck, if that works, then I’ll finally get around to doing it for Agile’.

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