Once you find out who your perfect customer is and you've talked with an existing client. And tried to create a profile that's general enough so that you know where where these people are, it's time for you to start hunting them down. Find out where your perfect client hangs out. What they do for fun. What they do for work. What kind of hobbies do they have. What kind of spiritual life they lead. Once you have that profile, you can begin to track people very much like your perfect one and to begin to hang out where they hang out. So introduce yourself, you introduce your business, and introduce your services and get them interested in you. So you may not like this analogy. I apologize. But here it is: it's like hunting. If you're hunting deer. You wouldn't go looking in the middle of the city. You would try to find a rural location. If you know that deer hide during the day, you probably would go out at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day, when they are more likely not to be asleep and be out moving around. You would not necessarily hunt for them in a pine forest; you're more likely to find them in a hardwood forest or in an area of mixed trees because that's the type of location where they're going to be found. How would you know that? Well you'd have to research on deer and hunting deer. It helps to find the deer and track it. Find out where it lives, where it beds, where it goes to eat, where it goes to drink. You could also talk to fellow hunters. Although if I were a hunter, and you have asked me about where I hunted, I would probably mislead you. So it's better to track your target and find out as much about them as possible.

Video – Hunting YPC

Hunting YPC from Scott Gardner on Vimeo.

Once you have a bio of your perfect client, it’s time for you to track them down so you can address them.

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