You should take a little time and survey your customers. Find out exactly what sorts of things make them happy. Not just in dealing with you. Not just what do they want from me or what can I bribe them with? But just in general what kinds of things make them happy and then keep those things in mind as you do your particular business. A number of your customers might like rescuing injured animals. That makes it easier for you to decide on a charitable thing that you're going to do in the future. You know help out a rescue center and then of course publicize that to your existing clients. Perhaps they like dining out. You might want to hold a sales contest or something for your company, and the winner gets you know a dinner out of a fancy restaurant. It needs to be something that will peak the interest, and not necessarily sales interest for your clients, but just something that shows them that you are interested in the same sorts of things that they are. It doesn't hurt you if you use some sort of incentive in the future to get them to continue buying your product or service. But again that's not the focus of this. The focus is to get them to see you as sort of a kindred spirit, to get them to like you, and to want to do business with you. If you've got a suggestion for this, put it in the comments below. We'd love to see those. Thank you.

Video – Do Unto Others

Do Unto Others from Scott Gardner on Vimeo.

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