Please Comment & Share

Ladies and gents:

If you’re reading our posts – and our stats indicate that at least a few people are visiting our blog – please take a moment to post a comment.  If you agree with something I’ve said, that’s great.  If you disagree with something in a post, that’s great too!  While I write the posts to provide insight into Agile’ and myself, and to offer education and instruction, I also want to inspire people to think, and to consider.

If a post makes you think, if a post inspires you to come up with your own ideas, please take a moment and share them with us and the other readers.  Yes, we do have anti-spam measures in place, but if you’ve got a real comment related to a post, it’ll be put through.  If we post something and you disagree, we welcome all rational and reasoned responses.  Tell us why you don’t like it, where we went wrong, and what life’s really all about.  And hey, if it’s interesting and on topic, we welcome irrational and unreasoned responses too.

And while we’re on the topic, the individual page for each post has a selection of clickable “share” icons on top.  You can share our posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, and a few more places.  We’d appreciate it if you’d take the time to actually share a post.  That way, it will open a wider audience to experience our brilliance or stupidity – occasionally both in the same post.

Thanks for reading!