Online Workage

online_softwareWe’re getting back to the point where Agile’ is planning to put on it’s own webinars, and perhaps help others put on webinars as well.

Not surprisingly, Google Hangouts and Hangouts On Air has been adopted by a lot of presenters.  But neither of those is perfect for marketers.  So a number of other businesses have used Google Hangouts as the backbone, and extended the technology around it.

The first one we signed up for is Business Hangouts, which is a serious implementation and extension of Hangouts.  It offers the presenter a number of heavy-weight options for bringing in presenters, extending the audience to 250 and beyond, and for customizing the look of emails and promotional signage.

I was getting up to speed with BHO when I attended a week-long online conference.  Not only were there about 15 live presentations, those were recorded and made available very quickly as replays.  The whole conference was carried out via WebinarJam, and I was extremely impressed with the experience.  So much so that a few days ago, I signed up for the service.

Yes, Agile’ is using two competing services, both using Google Hangouts as their basis.  Right now, I feel that while there’s a lot of crossover between the two, I can see us using them both – at least for a while.  I feel they both have different strengths, and I can see different applications for each.  I’m sure we’ll drop one of them sooner or later, but for now we’ll keep using both and see which one is better for our uses.

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