People decide to get a booth for their business at trade or business shows for several reasons.  They decide it’s a good place to show off new product, or to make industry contacts.

Sometimes, they decide that the show is being held in a location they’ve always wanted to visit (Vegas!) and they can write off the expense.

The most common reason I’ve heard over the years is that their competition is doing it, so that person needs to have a booth at the show, too.

I have one rule for trade and business shows, and I know I sound like the obnoxious SOB I am, because when my clients try to tell me their reasons for going to the show this year, I repeat the acronym above louder and louder.  I talk over them until they get the idea and go quiet.  It’s pronounced exactly the way it’s spelled.

TORTHASBITTAP.  Remember it.

The Only Reason To Have A Show Booth Is To Turn A Profit.

All other “reasons” are excuses. If you don’t have a process in place to turn a profit, don’t go.

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