WordPress-based Client Sites

I've gotten 3 new clients who wanted me to put together web sites for them.  I pitched all of them sites based on WordPress software.  It was originally a blogging software, but it's expanded to become a true Content Management Service (CMS).  All of them agreed, so I'm putting together a sort of recipe book for all the sites I'm managing that are based on WordPress.  And I'm not managing all my clients' sites!  There are at least two others I can think of off the top of my head that run on WordPress where they have someone else managing it.

So we are managing twelve – that's 12 – sites running on WordPress right now.  I may have a couple more who will ask to be switched over in the future.  About half of those are for the same client, and they're running a similar setup on each site.  They're looking to collect names & email address so that they can cultivate those visitors, so they're putting most of the content behind membership walls.  The first level is free – meant to give the visitors access to a taste of what my client offers at a higher price.  Most of them (based on statistical probability) won't go for it.  But the ones who do should realize significant benefit from their paid memberships.

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