Most Important Question In Business

29392629_sAs business people, we all want to sell our products and services.  If we’re smart, we’re talking with members of our target market.  Two of the things we want to do with our target market are: 1) build a relationship and 2) find out what they want to buy.  The easiest way to accomplish both is to ask questions, and listen and respond to the answers.  And there’s one very important question you should ask before you attempt to sell them anything.

“Which of your goals can I help you achieve?”

Let me address this right up front.  Those of you who are afraid of losing, will.  If you’re afraid of “wasting” time, money, energy – whatever – on “these people” and not making a sale, that’s exactly what will happen.  If you’re playing a short game, and expecting to receive a sale right after you offer assistance, you’re screwed.  I just told you, this is about building a relationship with a member of your target market.

This is a long term situation.  Hopefully, you’re trying to build something between the prospect and yourself that won’t be finished by tomorrow.  It’s meant to last.  You’re offering a hand to establish trust.  If you promise something, make sure you accomplish it.  Once that happens, the prospect will begin to believe the validity of what you tell them.

For those of you who need to hear this: If you promise something in your follow-up sales pitch, you’d better deliver.

As Zig Ziglar used to say, “You can get anything you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”  Asking this question, and actually giving that assistance, jets you on the way.

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