Skip College

I’m not the only one saying it.  If you want to be an entrepreneur, skip college.  This link is about learning a trade instead (plus some other stuff), but the idea is the same.

I know a lot of great young people who are currently in college, or have graduated in the last few years.  Most of them – most folks I know, really – have the “dream” of going to work for someone else and getting paid a weekly wage.

But where would they work if no one wanted to start new businesses?  Do new things?  Take chances?

If you want to start a business or do your own thing, it’s highly doubtful you’ll learn even the fundamentals by sitting in a classroom.  Go out, try things, fall on your face, pick yourself up, and try again.

Girl Entrepreneurs

I’m in my local Barnes & Noble, supposedly working on  my next book.  During a walk to restore my numb butt, I just ran across a small display of products.  They’re not quite toys, but close.

If you’ve heard or seen the word “gamification,” you might understand what I’m trying to wrap my brain around.  “Toyification” maybe?  I don’t know.

It’s a line of products by Fashion Angels called “It’s My Biz.”  They’re a series of intro-to-entrepreneurship kits that introduce the concept of starting and running your own business.  I’m really intrigued by the Ultimate Business Guide.

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A New Beginning

Wow, that sounds dramatic.

Hopefully it isn’t as catastrophic as it appears to be.  I finished a draft of my book Profitable Web Hosting last week, three full weeks before the due date.  I’ve got the next one outlined on 3×5 cards (yes, really!).  But they fell on the floor and got messed up.  What’s a guy to do?

Well, I have had a free program for a while that allows you to input bits and pieces of text and rearrange them into something more coherent.  But I just didn’t like the damned thing!  So I went looking for another one.

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New Book Coming

I just completed the first draft of my next book.  I mean like 5 minutes ago!  I’m approximately 3 weeks ahead of schedule.  ‘scuze me while I bask in the feeling for a few minutes.  Projected “publication date” is January 2nd (I think – I don’t have my planner with me), but it will probably be available by mid-November.

This is cool, because the book following that was mostly written but has been – well, let’s call it misplaced.  Rather than hunt for the digital files, I will probably re-write it, and the next three weeks will certainly help by giving me extra time.  The projected time for that one was February of 2015.

I’ve been thinking about my books for the last few days, since I’ve been listening to the Sell More Books Show podcast.  I need to create supporting video content for these as well, and I was thinking about cranking out a book every other month next year.  I may not be able to do that if I create the video content myself.  I’ll probably have to find at least one virtual assistant, probably more than one.

Chromebook – Not Bad

Got a new digital toy.  14" HP Chromebook.  This model comes with 200 MB per month data via T-Mobile.  I used up 80% of that in the first hour!  Anyway, that's why I bought it.  As a refurb, it was nearly $100 less than the regular price for the item.  I used it most of the afternoon, and only drained 20% of the battery.  Cool so far!

The ChromeOS takes a little getting used to.  It's just like working in Windows, or Mac, or Android, but only a little . . . off.  Just enough so you scratch your head and try to remember how to do something.  Usually, it's easier than what you're trying to make it.

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My Books Are Free!

KU_free_ad_001Well, sort of.  Amazon has unleashed another monster.  This one is called Kindle Unlimited.  For a penny less than $10 per month, you can read as many ebooks as you want.  The books have to belong to a special program that guarantees you'll only find them on Amazon, but there are over 600,000 (number supplied by Amazon) available at this point.

My two current books are in there.  If all you want are my ebooks, then the price is about $7 total.  But for three bucks more, you get access to so much more.

I'm not trying to shill for Amazon.  They don't need my puny efforts.  But if you read as much as I do, there's a wealth of fiction and non-fiction books out there.  Some of them are crap, true.  I'm sure people have thought that about what I've written.  But I'm a member.  The first 30 days are free – why not try it out?  And you don't need a Kindle.  You can get the Kindle software for every device you own and read books there.

So: Two marketing-related books FREE if you've got Kindle Unlimited.
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