Being recognized as an expert

Most entrepreneurs are experts at whatever they’ve chosen to do.  I mean, why choose to be in a business you know nothing about?  Even if you go in knowing nothing, after performing every task in your business from low to high, you become an expert by default.

But what’s a recognized expert, and how can being one help your business boom?

Well, think about it this way.  How many times have you given free advice to friends, family and customers?  How many times do they actually follow that advice?  An expert doesn’t dole out the goodies – people seek them out, and pay a premium price for the wisdom that falls from their lips.  Some even actually follow the advice after paying for it.

A recognized expert has things about them that let people know they’re an expert at what they’re doing.  Experts write books, get interviewed in the media, and charge ridiculous prices for their products and services.  Prospective clients find it hard to get hold of experts.  Most importantly, a recognized expert is, well. . . recognized.  Someone else says they’re an expert.

Advanced degrees, awards, and certificates from outside organizations are all good indicators that the person is a recognized expert.  Books are still a sort of status symbol because the person seeing it can only imagine having the time to write their own book.  And it’s still presumed (although usually not correctly these days, with self-publishing and vanity publishing houses enjoying a strong upswing) that the book made it through a long and arduous editing process, where it could have been killed at any moment.

In short, a recognized expert is surrounded by the trappings of being a recognized expert.

An expert can promote their expertise easier.  They are sought out as someone outstanding in their field.  Recognized experts can afford to charge very high prices, and turn away time wasters.  They have time to put out mass-education products (books, seminars, etc.) and pick and choose their inner circle of high paying clients.

Most importantly, recognized experts no longer have to sell their products and services.  By dint of their “celebrity” status, people line up to buy because they want to.  They have been pre-sold by word-of-mouth from the expert’s fans, and by the expert’s appearances in editorial media.

This, in short, is what Agile’ does for it’s clients.  Dispensing with the warm and fuzzy explanation, we are kingmakers.  We put our clients in the position of being the go-to person in their industry or niche.

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