A Setback Is Not A Defeat

Let’s say you’ve resolved to run a marathon in 6 months.  You’ve gone out and run every day for the last 27 days.  But for some reason, today your run just didn’t happen.  That’s it then!  You’ll never accomplish that goal now, will you?

Baloney!  Stumbling on your way to achieving a goal is human – it happens to everybody.  Just because you missed a run, or ate a rich dessert, or didn’t lift weights today doesn’t mean you can’t get back on track tomorrow.  You’ve still got your previous successful work and your sheer determination.  You cannot allow one setback to change your mental attitude.

So what are you going to do about it?  The first thing to do is admit to yourself that you suffered a setback.  Have yourself a 10-second pity party, and then forget it and move on.  If you’re working with a buddy (see my previous post) you should acknowledge the setback, and then resolve not to let them down again.  If your partner has suffered a setback, don’t beat them down.  Encourage them to get back to work toward their goal right now, and assure them that you’ll be right there with them.

We all have good days and bad days.  Don’t let either one of them sidetrack you from the pursuit of your goal!

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