Thinking About Resolutions


This is the time of year people start thinking about New Years Resolutions.  Almost 50% of Americans “make” resolutions – that is, they say to themselves “I gotta change X” where the X is their weight, or their job, or their relationship or money situation.  But only 8% of those making resolutions actually follow through.

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Facebook Author’s Page

scott_port_2014_smallI’d like to ask a favor. If you know someone who might be interested in reading up on marketing, please invite them to like my Facebook author’s page and connect with me. I’m very happy to discuss all aspects of my ebooks and marketing in general there.

Although my last couple books have focused on the web hosting industry, it’s been through the lens of marketing. Most of my forthcoming books and ebooks will be centered on marketing.  Obviously, you can always comment on my posts here on the Agile’ blog, but you should feel free to post comments and questions there as well.  Thanks!

Price For Value

All businesses – my clients and everyone else – worry about their prices.  Are they too high?  Are customers happy with their pricing structure?  How can I get more money?

One of the problems I run into is quality of service.  By that, I mean that businesses want to maximize their income.  Often, I have clients who ask me, “How low can I drop the quality and still get the same price?”  This is based on the assumption that their customers won’t pay higher prices, which is usually total crap.

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