If I advise my clients to do is advertise. If you listen to the words that I just said, I said it was the last thing that I tell them to do. I didn't tell them not to advertise. I advise them that it should be the last thing that they do. After they've set up other types of marketing procedures. They should get a P.R. procedure in place. They should get a word of mouth procedure in place. And they should set up some type of general news dispersion in place. Start working social media. Any of these is good. All of them are better. Until they get to the final step which is advertising. Advertising, if done correctly, can reinforce all of the other marketing efforts that you've got in place. So people may see your notice in the newspaper that you you've started a new job. They may see the newsletter come across their desk or it talks about your industry. They may hear of about your new service from one of their peers. And then if they see an advertisement in their favorite media outlet, whether it's a local T.V. station or a magazine that reinforces; it brings your company back to mind in a positive way for these folks. So what you need to do is you need to set up your other marketing first; get those procedures in place and then think about advertising.

Video – The Last Thing

The Last Thing from Scott Gardner on Vimeo.

After you’ve gotten all your other marketing efforts in place, it’s time to consider advertising.

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