Target And Reuse Your Content

I have clients in several industries.  I know – I should concentrate on just one.  But I just can’t.  It’s a personality flaw.

That said, I create documents and books for my clients, or clients I want to attract.  I do that across industries.  If I had to write content for each industry, I’d never get any other work done.

I have a rule I use with the karate students I teach.  “Mr. Gardner’s first rule of karate: cheat whenever possible.”  By this, I mean use the things and people that are around you to get yourself right.  The same thing goes for content.  If you create it once, modify it and use it again.

I’ve got an ebook on my list of things to write.  It’s a process book, showing how a martial arts school can make extra money and develop good will by arranging printed picture packs for their students a couple times each year.  I wrote a bare-bones version of this a few years ago, but I’m going to re-write it into a more complete version early next year.  So first, I’m going to reuse (or recycle) my original doc into the new doc.

The process I describe is just as valid for dance and gymnastic schools as well.  But someone who runs a dance school is not going to be looking for content under “martial arts.”  So I’m going to take the content, change “martial arts school” to “dance school,” swap out some of the illustrations, and I’ll have a brand new book, targeted at owners of dance schools.  And then I’ll do it again, this time with gymnastics schools.

We all like to think, “But my business is different.”  It’s not really, though.  I’m sure you have some type of content you can repurpose for another set of clients.

Need a kick start?  I’m happy to help.  Leave a comment detailing what kind of content you have, what industry or niche you created it for, and what other industries or niches you want to go after!


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